Attendance Team
Mrs M Beetlestone
Assistant Headteacher
Mrs V Popham
Family Support Coordinator
Mrs T Wood
Mr Adam Watson & Miss K Seaton
Telephone: 01329 234381
Please also refer to the full attendance policy that can be found on our website
Our Mission
At Woodcot, we believe good attendance is vital for a child to achieve their full potential.
We aim to promote good attendance by providing a safe and motivating environment for all children.
As a team, we will together break down any barriers a child or family may have to accessing their education.
Every child matters
Every day matters
Every minute matters
If you need support with you child's attendance
Please reach out to a member of the attendance team or inform your child's class teacher.
What do I do if my child is poorly?
If your child is going to be absent from school, you must contact the
school office before 9.00 am
to provide a reason for absence. You can either call 01329 234381 or email
Parental Responsibility
Ensure their child attends every day the school is open except when a statutory reason applies.
Notify the school as soon as possible when their child has to be unexpectedly absent (e.g. sickness).
Only request leave of absence in exceptional circumstances and do so in advance.
Book any medical appointments around the school day where possible.
School Responsibility
Have a clear school attendance policy on the school website which all staff, pupils and parents understand.
Develop and maintain a whole school culture that promotes the benefits of good attendance.
Accurately complete admission and attendance registers.
Have robust daily processes to follow up absence.
Have a dedicated senior leader with overall responsibility for championing and improving attendance.
Hampshire Responsibility
Have a strategic approach to improving attendance for the whole area and make it a key focus of all frontline council services.
Have a School Attendance Support Team that works with all schools in their area to remove area-wide barriers to attendance.
Provide each school with a named point of contact in the School Attendance Support Team who can support with queries and advice.
Offer opportunities for all schools in the area to share effective practice.