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School Priorities

Our Current School Improvement Plan Overview

Empower leaders to ensure high standards and continuous improvement

A. Ensure all leaders (including governors) are empowered to discharge their duties effectively and consistently
○ So that: They can confidently lead their areas of responsibility, driving forward improvement and holding others to account.

B. Implement transparent expectations across the school                                                                                                     ○ So that: There is a culture of sustainable improvement and rapid, consistent change.

C. Reduce staff workload while maintaining high standards                                                                                                  ○ So that: Staff can focus on accelerating progress and raising outcomes for all pupils.

Ensure all pupils are safe and well-protected

A. Ensure a robust culture of safeguarding across the school                                                                                                 ○ So that: All pupils are safe and well protected

B. Ensure all staff receive and complete up-to-date training appropriate to their roles
○ So that: Staff are knowledgeable and understand their role in safeguarding children whilst maintaining a culture of vigilance and confidence in safeguarding

C. Ensure all staff are aware of systems and processes when dealing with concerns and/or allegations                       ○ So that: Any concerns/allegations are dealt with promptly and appropriately

Deliver a challenging and engaging curriculum for all pupils

A. Revise and enhance the curriculum to ensure it is broad, balanced, ambitious, and tailored to the local context and pupil needs                                                                                                                                                                               ○ So that: Children become motivated, enthusiastic, successful learners who are independent and resilient while acquiring sufficient knowledge for their next stage of life

B. Ensure the whole curriculum is logically sequenced, revisited, and built upon throughout from EYFS to Year 6     ○ So that: Learning gradually changes children’s long-term memory, enabling them to know more, remember more, and do more over time.

C. Raise attainment at the end of KS2 and ensure high-quality work from all children                                                     ○ So that: Attainment exceeds the national average, and children are proud of their work, achieving their best.

Promote positive behaviour and attitudes to support learning

A. Develop a whole school culture where behaviour routines are clear and implemented positively, consistently, fairly, and with transparency                                                                                                                                                         ○ So that: Everyone understands the school’s expectations and consequences, children behave well, and every child is treated equitably.

B. Raise attendance to be in line with the national average                                                                                                    ○ So that: Children can take full advantage of educational opportunities and become successful future citizens.

C. Reduce the number of persistent absentees to better than the national average                                                         ○ So that: All children with attendance below 90%, and their families, receive regular support to improve.

Support pupils' personal and academic growth

A. Develop a personal curriculum alongside the academic curriculum                                                                                 ○ So that: Children gain life skills and opportunities to grow their individual characters, preparing them for the future.

B. Ensure children are safe, well-supported, and ready to learn in the classroom with their teachers                           ○ So that: Relationships between staff and children, as well as among peers, are maintained, ensuring social inclusion, a sense of belonging, and a respectful understanding of diversity, including different faiths, cultures, and families.

C. Continue to extend and challenge pupils’ views of the world while respecting those of others through a consistently planned curriculum                                                                                                                                                   ○ So that: They are confident to take their place in an ever-evolving world.

Securing Firm Foundations:

A. Create more opportunities where the environment enhances the ambitiously planned sequence of learning alongside children’s developing interests                                                                                                                                   ○ So that: Children can access high-quality resources and develop effectively through a balance of adult-led and child-initiated learning.

B. Provide a diet of rich language through the environment and high-quality adult interactions across all areas of learning                                                                                                                                                                                             ○ So that: Pupils' breadth and depth of vocabulary choices are significantly extended and used, closing identified gaps.

C. Create more opportunities for greater fluency and independence in writing and maths                                                     ○ So that: Children are well prepared for their next stage of education moving into Year 1.